York Family Photographer - Father's Day Surprise!

This lucky Dad was treated to a mini shoot for Father's Day this year. We did the shoot on location in Newton Upon Ouse, which is where Helen and Mick were married and previously lived so it's a really special place for them. And what a gorgeous village - we did have major house envy on our stroll! I say 'stroll' but it ended up being a little more adventurous than planned as we negotiated thick foliage and brambles to find our way back to base from the river! Great fun, although flip flops weren't the best!

Little Arthur wasn't too sure at first but he soon got unto his stride and we captured some gorgeous shots of him, Mum and Dad together as we adventured around the church, river, fields and pub (Sadly no alcohol involved on this occasion!) -  precious memories.

I love visiting new locations to shoot so if you've got a special place in mind for some family pictures, do get in touch: contactamy@amyjordisonphotography.com.

Enjoy the gorgeous weather! Amy x


York Family Photographer - Shoot in Nottingham's Wollaton Park


A Family Photoshoot on Location in Sunny Mallorca!